Contify classifies all the content under various themes, which essentially indicate what type of activity or development is the story about. Contify's strong editorial team has identified business, economy and general activities topics with which most news and other information can be identified. Browse the following list, or click on any theme to view related stories.

  • Financial
    • Financial Performance Stories related to company's monetary performance for a specific timeline.
    • Credit Rating Update Stories related to the company's ability measured by credit rating agencies to repay its financial obligations by looking at its history of borrowing and repaying loans.
    • IPO Stories related to a company regarding the initial public offering (IPO) refers to the process of offering shares of a private corporation to the public in a new stock issuance for the first time.
    • Share Repurchase Stories related to a company regarding repurchase of company shares that were previously sold to the public.
    • Accounting Fraud Stories related to illegal alteration of a company's financial statements to manipulate a company's apparent health or to hide profits or losses.
    • Bankruptcy Stories related to a company entering into insolvency or becoming bankrupt; also includes all developments in the run-up to the filing, and also the follow-up events.
    • Insider Trading Stories on malpractice of buying, selling or trading of shares, bonds, stock options or other securities of a public listed company using unpublished price-sensitive information.
    • Activist Shareholder Stories related to individuals or entities has possess shares in a company and are proactively involved in shaping the company's policies, practices, or overall strategic course.
  • HR & People
    • Layoff Stories related to suspension or termination of employment by a firm, usually due to lack of work or business opportunities.
    • Employee Related Initiative Stories related to any action, program, or project undertaken by a firm to address and enhance various aspects of its employees' well-being, development, or engagement within the company.
    • Hirings (Non-Leadership) Stories related to a company's planned decision to hire or recruit employees; includes both quantitative and non-quantitative information; these stories are strictly for non-leadership positions.
  • Marketing
    • Awards & Recognitions Stories related to a company winning an award for any aspect of conducting its business.
    • Rebranding Stories related to company-level developments and strategies encompassing all or a few parameters, like changing the corporate image, name, logo, or other brand elements to improve market position or reflect a new business direction.
    • Marketing & Promotional Activities Stories related to a company's marketing and promotional initiatives by channels, campaign theme, messaging, objective, and other details.
  • Operations
    • Cost Cutting Company Reducing Expenses and Improving Profitability Through Layoffs, Pay Cuts, and Facility/Operation/Factory Shutdowns.
    • Operational Challenges Challenges Related to Company Operations and Workforce (Factory Shut Down, System Failure, Production Halt, Inventory Issues, Missing Service Levels, Strikes, and Employee Issues).
    • Supply Chain/ Procurement Stories related to supply chain and/or procurement initiatives and developments of companies.
    • Facility/Office Closure Stories related to the closure of the company's office, facility, or a particular division, or the whole or a portion of its business activities, or the permanent shutdown of a manufacturing facility or operations center as part of its business plan; this does not include a temporary and forced shutdown due to employee agitation or unplanned incidents.
    • Digital Transformation Initiative Stories related to the initiatives or developments of a company using digital technologies to optimize an organization’s customer experience, business, and operating processes, and/or culture.
    • Operational Performance Stories related to the company's performance in internal operations related to productivity, product quality, customer satisfaction, cost, price, flexibility, and speed of delivery.
  • Products/Services
    • Analyst Recognition Story on acknowledgment received by a company from analyst firms in its respective business landscape.
    • New Product/Service Stories related to the company's initiatives or developments to launch or develop its product or service, targeting existing or new markets, geographies, or customer clusters.
    • Product Discontinuation Stories related to a brief explanation or description outlining the specific details and criteria related to the discontinuation of a product. These notes typically encompass details on the when, why, and how of the product's discontinuation, along with any relevant procedures and considerations.
    • Product Issues/ Recall Stories related to a company retrieving defective and/or potentially unsafe goods from consumers.
    • Product/Service Enhancement Stories related to the company's initiatives or developments for its product or service upgrades, updates, or enhancements to optimize its working efficiency.
  • Risk & Regulatory
    • Negative News Stories related to events with a negative outlook on the company, including personnel issues, violations of regulations/laws, litigation, financial losses, negative PR debacles, etc.
    • Regulation and Policies Stories related to a company's legal disputes and lawsuits that fall within the jurisdiction of the court of law.
    • Regulatory Action/ Probe Stories related to a formal investigation or action taken by a government or regulatory authority to ensure compliance with laws and regulations, particularly in the context of businesses, organizations or individuals.
    • Data Breach Stories related to the incidents where individuals or entities gain unauthorized access to, acquire or retrieve sensitive, confidential, or protected information from a database, computer system, or network without the necessary permissions or legal rights to do so.
    • Patent Dispute Stories related to disputes or legal battles involving the ownership, validity, or infringement of patents.
    • Patent Filing Stories related to the process of submitting a patent application to a government authority, such as the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) in the United States.
    • Cybersecurity Incidents Stories related to events or circumstances where computer systems, networks, or digital assets are compromised, attacked, or exposed to unauthorized access, thereby posing a risk of harm or security breaches. These incidents encompass a broad spectrum of cyber threats, including data breaches, malware infections, denial of service attacks, phishing attempts, and other activities.
    • Lawsuit/ Legal Issue Stories related to a company's legal disputes and lawsuits that fall within the jurisdiction of the court of law.
  • Sales
    • Tender/ Contract Updates Stories related to changes in processes or timeline or clauses or other parameters related to tenders/contracts.
    • Pricing Changes Stories on a company's latest pricing strategy or updates on offering specific pricing.
  • Strategy
    • Asset Buy/ Divestiture Stories related to a company purchasing certain assets of the seller's company. These assets could be tangible or intangible in nature. A few examples of tangible assets include office space, manufacturing machinery or plant, and inventory, whereas intangible assets could be intellectual property, patents, and trademarks.
    • Business Expansion Stories related to a company expanding operations in terms of either augmenting sales networks, production or servicing capacities, or new businesses; either in existing markets, or new business segments, or any other classification.
    • Joint Ventures Stories related to a commercial agreement in which two or more organizations combine their resources to gain a tactical and strategic edge in the market, often to pursue specific projects. The JV may be a new project with similar products or services, or it may involve creating an entirely new firm with different core business activities.
    • M&A Activities Stories related to a company selling or buying equity stake in part or in full; also includes activities during the run-up to any such transaction, such as appointment of bankers, valuation, due diligence, etc; also includes companies merging to form a single entity, where both the old firms cease to exist, and the new merged company comes into existence.
    • Business Reorganisation / Restructuring Stories related to a company altering modifying the way the corporate entity, its subsidiary companies, or its various business units are structured and held.
    • Funding Activities Stories related to a company's plan or decision to raise money via any of the popularly known, conventional or unconventional methods to infuse funds into the business for whatever purpose; does not include the shareholders of a company selling equity.
    • Partnerships and Alliances Stories related to two or more companies entering into deals to produce, market or sell products services of the other, or to do business together; differs from merger/acquisition, where the existing capital structure of two or more companies gets altered.
    • R&D Labs/ Innovation Centers Stories related to R&D Labs and Innovation Centers - specialized facilities and organizational entities dedicated to research, experimentation, and the advancement of cutting-edge technologies, products, processes, and innovative solutions.
    • Capital Investment Stories related to a company's investing money into the business for long term under the capital expenses head.
    • Demerger/Spin Off Stories related to a company demerging one or more of its business lines to into an independent corporate entity to be majority held by either the original company or another entity.
    • Leadership Changes Stories related to a person joining, being promoted to, or leaving a senior management position or the board of directors of a company.
    • Business Closure Stories related to a company closing down, reducing its business scope in terms of geography, division, or a portion of its activities, or permanently shutting down a manufacturing facility or operations center as part of its business plan. This excludes temporary shutdowns due to employee agitation or unplanned incidents.